Brown Bear, Brown Bear...What Do You See? I see Julia GLARING at me!
For once, I would just like Brown Bear to see something other than the Red Bird. And perhaps the Red Bird would like for that damn yellow duck to stop looking at him.
For those of you not subjected to reading the Board Book version of Eric Carle's Brown Bear, Brown Bear several times a day, this may seem like a bitter post. But really, when you have read the same text at least 4 times a day for at least 4 weeks running, you suddenly feel like you would rather read the entire text of the State of Union Address (pausing for the applause in appropriate places) rather than read about Brown Bear or that damn Hungry Catepillar one more time. (Really, you'd think that catepillar would learn not to eat all of that crap on Saturday! Moderation stupid catepillar, moderation!)
I guess I should just be thankful that she is mainly sticking to Eric Carle who's books are much more tolerable than some of the alternatives. Not to mention that his illustrations are fabulous. Ever since I saw Mr. Carle making his intricate illustrations with tissue paper on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, I have been a big fan. Are their other books of Carle's in board book form that I could get to expand our choices? Do they make "Choose Your Own Adventure" Books in Board books?
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Bored Books
Posted by Julia
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