Saturday, May 26, 2007

Vegetable Bolognese

There hasn't been too much inspiration in the kitchen lately. Usually, once it gets hot outside, everyones' appetite diminishes, and we settle in for a summer of mostly salads and sandwiches. Although, I got uncharacteristically motivated this week and tried out a new recipe.

Don't hold it against me that its from the most annoying cook on the Food Network. I was someone else's house...who had cable!

This recipe is easy to eyeball and finagle. I scaled back the mushroom amounts because mushrooms aren't Pat's favorite (he likes the flavor just not the texture), and I skipped the mascarpone cheese altogether. If you did want to add the mascarpone cheese but didn't want to pay $5 for a tiny tub, I'm guessing that ricotta would work just as well.

The real reason to celebrate this dish is that our kid ate it, even with a reasonable amount of gusto. Wonders never cease!

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