We were blanketed by dense white snow here in the corn fields of America last night. If my brain had speakers, my cursing could have been heard around the world when I surveyed the scene early this morning. This is a cruel, cruel joke, to be snow bound on the SECOND DAY OF SPRING. Those who say that the mid-west is nice because "you have 4 seasons" can kiss my spring-time snow covered booty. I can hear my poor crocuses screaming like villagers in an avalanche, and my fledging tulips, just about to bloom, don't even know what hit them.
Due to the weather conditions, Pat opted to work from home in lieu of duking it out on the highways with everyone else in the city. He holed up in our bedroom in hopes that his pint-sized admirer would forget that he was home. When we did go in to check on him a few times, THIS is what we found...
Yes, that's right, he was paid for every minute that he sat under his down comforter, mattress warmer turned to high, eating tortilla chips, cuddling with his cats, and listening to his favorite music. He conducted conference calls, wrote programs, and fielded questions from co-workers, while propped on not one, but TWO, fluffy pillows. His only defense was, "I didn't drink any beer until after lunch."
While he was nestled snug as a bug in a rug, THIS is how I spent my snowy Tuesday...
(Yes, I know she needs a haircut!)
Yet he's the one with the paycheck! Go figure!
It wasn't all bad. He treated us to lunch out, I was able to escape to the gym while the little one napped,there was someone around to exclaim "Why is she wearing all of my clean underwear on her head?" to, and at 5 pm, he magically appeared instead of having to wait for his usual 6 pm arrival time, after battling a long commute and traffic.
While we certainly do not wish for anymore snow, more opportunities for Pops to work from home would not be all bad.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Equal Opportunity Employment
Posted by Julia
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